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Promoção Especial > Festeje a Páscoa na Chapada dos Veadeiros - Alto Paraíso

Messages of Flowers Friendship

Flowers are the connecting link between Heaven and Earth. By means of contemplating the flowers, of consciously inhaling of their perfume, of the close relationship with the being of each plant and by means of cultivating beautiful gardens, the human being can self-heal and regenerate all of his/her physical, emotional and mental natures.

The brilliant doctor Edward Bach bequeathed a gift to mankind when he created the Flower Therapy. He observed that before any disease actually appear in the physical body, some disturbances appear in the level of thought and feeling. And using Essences obtained from the flowers as healing agents, he started the Flower Therapy.

Nonetheless, when he offered his discovery free of charge to whoever wanted it, Edward Bach certainly could never imagine that his gift would become an object of trade.

Today, besides Bach's flowers remedies, there are the ones from the California desert, from the Pacific, from Alaska and so on. Nowadays people buy flowers remedies that can come from the most faraway places of our planet.

These are valuable essences, but you have no more the slightest idea of how is the plant neither the flower that is used to elaborate the remedy you are taking. The floral remedy is taken as if it were an allopathic medicine. We seek a cure for symptoms, not for the cause: the lack of integration with Nature.

It's usual to hear people saying that paid dearly for a bottle of flower remedy, not to mention the prescription cost.

Many consumers of these essences indifferently walk on flowers that were born in their backyard, in trails and gardens. And those flowers are there, offering themselves, tenderly and freely, anxious for establishing a relationship of mutual discoveries and a close bond of friendship.

Through Mother Nature, God offers us everything everyone may need. Let us pay more attention to the flowers that surround us! Inside them may lie our remedy.

Many brazilian researchers also created their own flower remedies, but there is a world to be explored. The opportunity to use our intuition is open and this is gratifying!

Want to make your own flower remedies? At sunrise, choose the flowers to be harvested. Ask for permission and, with veneration and gratitude, collect whatever you think is enough. Take a transparent glass vessel, with the best quality water you may find and immerse the flowers into it, leaving it to take sunlight during the whole day. At sunset, the flower remedy will be ready to be taken and should be drunk in the same day, because it has no alcohol - as do the ones for sale in the market.

You can enrich your floral remedies if, while preparing them, you meditate that all the alive forms contain life and latent qualities. With the eyes of your soul try to see the being that lives in that plant. See it as a manifestation of God and thank it for its existence, for the opportunity of your mutual acquaintance and of becoming friends.

Then, ask yourself about the quality of that being, its qualities and goals in this world. By drinking that flower remedy, meditate on the chosen flowers, in their shapes, perfume, name, birthplace, in the epoch of the year when they germinated or blossomed. These are all hints on the perception of the floral objectives or properties of the particular essence.

Then ask yourself about the quality of that being, his attributes and purposes in this world. By drinking the flower, meditate on the flowers chosen for their shape, scent, name, , at the time of the year of germination or flowering. These are all clues to a perception of the purposes or properties of floral essence.

Depois, pergunte-se sobre a qualidade daquele ser, seus atributos e propósitos neste mundo. Ao beber os florais, medite nas flores escolhidas, em seu formato, perfume, nome, lugar onde nasceu, na época do ano de sua germinação ou floração. Tudo isto são pistas para a percepção dos propósitos ou propriedades florais da essência.

As you drink the floral remedy, try to feel, internally, the radiation of the being inhabiting the plant, what it transmits to your feelings and to your heart.

Ao beber os florais, procure sentir internamente a radiação do ser da planta, o que ele transmite a seus sentidos e ao seu coração.

This may seem difficult in the beginning, but you will be taking the first steps towards an intimate and friendly relationship with the deva and elemental realms of the place where you live and, also, you will be expanding your interior perception.

Isso pode parecer difícil no princípio, mas você estará dando os primeiros passos para uma relação intima e amistosa com os reinos elemental e dévico do lugar onde você mora e também estará expandindo sua percepção interior.

The more intimate it be your relationship with the plant being, the greater will be your capacity to receive the messages from the flowers and the healing benefits from floral remedies and from Mother Nature.

Quanto mais íntima for sua relação com o ser da planta, maior será sua capacidade de receber as mensagens da flores e os benefícios curativos dos florais e da Mãe Natureza.

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Alto Paraíso
Uma pousada inesquecível cuja inspiração são as plantas medicinais e aromáticas!

Conheça a Pousada Jardim do Eden em Alto Paraíso, o coração da Chapada dos Veadeiros.

Bela e confortável, ajardinada, cada suíte é consagrada a uma planta especialmente escolhida por sua ação no mundo sutil

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Chapada dos Veadeiros e Pousada Jardim do Eden, mensagens das flores!
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